At the conference of the 24th Mill-Bakery Days, held within the 4. MLINPEK EXPO fair in the Master Hall of the Novi Sad Fair, head of the laboratory Nikolina Mandić held a lecture on the topic:

Bread without additives – alternatives for the application of additives in bakery products

Given the new trends in nutrition, one of which is “Products without additives”, potential replacements with additives in bakery products have been presented.

Additives are added to food products in order to obtain uniform quality of products with the best sensory characteristics, expand the range of products, extend durability, etc. New trends, consumer information, health concerns and striving for the greatest “naturalness” of products have led to the avoidance of food additives by consumers. Consumers are reading product declarations and composition more than ever. The “Clean Label” trend did not bypass bakery products either. Following this trend, manufacturers of improvers and bakery mixtures create their products based on raw materials that are not additives, and can replace them. Some of the raw materials that are successfully used as a substitute for additives in bakery products are: soluble and insoluble plant fiber, plant extracts, acid dough, enzymes. Certainly, it is a challenge for manufacturers of mixtures and bakeries to produce a bakery product that will meet the expectations of consumers in terms of quality, without adding additives.

Company DOO PIP has included in its assortment improvers and mixtures without E numbers, i.e. Clean Label products. These are: improver PIP Natural and mixtures Triumf Prevent, Raža CL and Milky mix CL.